
Friday, December 9, 2011

ada bran???

Assalamualaikum..Maaf la kalau aku dah lama tak update blog aku dengan suatu perkongsian yang bermanfaat.
Khaled Said. Antara pemuda mesir yang sangat berani membongkarkan kezaliman dan kejahatan presiden Mesir, Hosni Mubarak.. Negara Mesir Islam pada sejarah semata! Tapi presiden dia macam bukan orang islam.. Kini, bahang pilihanraya di Mesir semakin rancak! Moga-moga pemimpin yang benar-benar seorang pemimpin mampu memenangi kerusi pilihanraya nanti. Seorang pemuda Mesir berusia 28 tahun bernama Khaled Said dipukul polis Mesir hinggameninggal dunia pada 6 Jun 2010. Kaum muda Mesir tidak bisa diam lagi. Khaled kini dianggap sebagai martir sama halnya dengan pedagang sayuran bernama Mohamed Bouzazi di Tunisia. Sejak kematian Khaled, gerakan menentang pemerintah menguat. Mereka tidak percaya dengan jawaban polisi kalau Khaled mati sebagai korban perseteruan antara pengedar narkoba.

Mereka tak percaya dan menginvestdgasi kasus itu. Akhirnya diketahui bahwa polisi telah merekayasa kasus itu untuk kepentingannya sendiri. Khaled mati dipukuli. Soal narkoba di mulutnya, saksi di kafe internet mengatakan, polisi senga

ja mencekoki mulut Khaled dengan narkoba. Hasil visum pun menunjukkan, Khaled mati akibat pukulan benda keras. Selain itu, dalam darah pemuda miskin itu tidak ditemukan kandungan zat terlarang. Apalagi, dari hasil penyebaran foto Khaled sesudah dinyatakan mati, mukanya tampak lebam dan terlihat bekas luka yang sangat dahsyat dan semestinya dia dibelasah dan didera teruk.

Kebrutalan polis Mesir memang sudah menjadi rahasia umum. Namun, kali ini pemuda tak lagi diam. Bouzazi

Mereka pun melancarkan demo di mana-mana dan menjadikan Khaled Said sebagai ikon perjuangannya. Tidak heran, dalam tunjuk perasaan di Mesir yang sudah berlangsung sebelas hari itu, para pemprotes anti-Mubarak terus meneriakkan nama Khaled dan Bouzazi. Bagi mereka yang ambil tahu hal ehwal dunia semasa. Tentu kalian akan kenal dengan lelaki di dalam gambar di atas. Yer, betul. Lelaki inilah yang mencetuskan revolusi Jasmin di Tunisia baru-baru ini yang membawa kepada kejatuhan Presidennya yang sangat korup dan busuk. Al fatihah untuk Mohamed Bouazizi. Semoga beliau ditempatkan sebaris dengan para syahid.

Ok, kepada mereka yang tak tahu apa yang kejadahnya Revolusi Jasmin. Revolusi ini terjadi apabila rakyat Tunisia bersatu menuntut keadilan untuk mereka. Mereka bersatu dengan menggulingkan Presiden mereka yakni Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. Secara harafiahnya, revolusi ini berlaku atas kesedaran anak-anak muda Tunisia yang bangkit menentang kezaliman. Revolusi ini bermula dengan kematian Mohamed Bouazizi. Anak muda berumur 27 tahun berkelulusan MBA dari sebuah universiti elit di Tunisia.
Sekarang, mari kita lihat, kenapa revolusi sebegini tak akan berlaku di sini. Di tanah tumpahnya darahku.

Revolusi selalunya akan membawa kepada jalan raya. Maka disini, tidak akan terjadi revolusi kerana jalan raya di sini adalah hak milik mat rempit. Kalau dah berlaku revolusi, celah mana lagi derang nak test power motor masing-masing?. ( Kadang-kadang mamat WIRA poser LANCER pun claim jalan raya tu milik mereka, golongan ni lagilah bahaya).

Revolusi juga selalunya akan menyebabkan aktiviti perniagaan akan lumpuh seketika. Ianya tidak akan berlaku di sini kerana kebanyakkan shopping complex kat sini memerlukan anak-anak muda yang menjadi pengunjung setia, melepak sambil mengayakan fesyen emo-punk-hardcore-nasyid-boria-wannabe bagi menaikkan taraf bintang shopping complex tersebut.

Pertumpahan darah juga sering dikait dengan revolusi rakyat, malangnya, pertumpahan darah disini lebih menjurus kepada perjuangan membela nasib bangsa masing-masing akibat gejala "bodoh tak boleh diajar, cerdik tak boleh ditumpang". Oleh yang demikian, revolusi yang memerlukan iltizam rakyat tak akan terjadi kerana masih ada lagi retorik bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh, tampal simen dengan kepala batu masing-masing.
Revolusi rakyat selalunya di tunjangi oleh pemuda-pemudi harapan bangsa yang belajar di peringkat lebih tinggi. Dalam erti kata lain, budak-budak U yang selalunya lantang bersuara, arakian suka dimaklumkan, disini revolusi yang selalu di perjuangkan ialah bagaimana kami boleh belajar jika tiada kemudahan asas yang sempurna, revolusi minta elaun lebih, sebab elaun kami selalu tak cukup nak tampung beli topup, rokok, belanja awek/balak makan, tengok wayang marathon hujung minggu. Paling ultimate, revolusi nak minta hostel ada ekon 1hp betul-betul kat kepala katil.

Revolusi rakyat juga perlu ada modal, modal untuk memberi makan, membeli cat untuk di simbah, membeli kain untuk membuat poster, dalam erti kata lain, revolusi masih tetap perlukan duit. Jadinya, di sini, tanah tumpahnya darahku. Duit adalah tuan besar untuk kelangsungan hidup. Kalau berlaku revolusi, konpom akan berlaku adegan tolak menolak untuk siapa nak dahulukan duit untuk tampung semua benda di atas. Patutnya tak jadi masalah kerana kita ramai jutawan dari skim piramid macam-macam bentuk. Masalahnya, jutawan ni semua masa berlaku revolusi rakyat, pakat-pakat lari keluar mintak kerakyatan negara lain.

Revolusi rakyat juga akan menyebabkan saluran media akan lebih fokus melaporkan apa yang terjadi dari hari ke hari.Maksudnya, tiada cerita lain melainkan dari berita revolusi, sebagai contoh hari ni mungkin melaporkan si polan musibat ni ditangkap kerana khianat atau esoknya, berita Menteri itu minta ampun nangis-nangis sembah kaki para revolusi. Masalahnya di sini, berita- berita sedemikian rupa telah jatuh ke tahap yang paling bawah sekali. Di sini, berita siapa kahwin siapa, siapa artis paling berbakat BESAR, malaun mana yang rembat artis paling cun merupakan sari berita utama. Program realiti busuk pun telah menjadi rancangan perdana kerana ingin memberi motivasi kepada pemuda-pemudi. Jadi, kalau berlakunya revolusi rakyat, musnahlah harapan para-para penyembah berita sensasi tadi untuk dijadikan kiblat. Gelaplah masa depan pemuda-pemudi harapan bangsa kerana hanya dengan menyanyi sajalah saya dapat bawak mak ayah pergi umrah.

Soalnya, benarkah revolusi rakyat tidak boleh berlaku di tanah tumpahnya darahku ini?. Untuk pengetahuan korang sume..segala maklumat ada yang original dari pencarian aku dan ada juga aku rembat daripada blogger - blogger sana..sekadar perkongsian. Banyakkan pengetahuan , dah tahu ni cari la lagi banyak2 informasinya buk! Kalau bahasa kasar2 tuh bukan aku yang tulis eh... tuh blogger yang baran kut..Aku tolong sampaikan je..Halalkan ye mr blogger..
Ni citer ongputih lagi menyayat hati kot kalau korang paham..aku dapat citer ni daripada sebuah lamanweb
Since a young man named Mohamed Bouazizi poured petrol over himself on December 17 and set himself, alight in front of the office of the Governor of his region, life turned upside down in Tunisia and the fires that he lit has burned until it engulfed the entire country from town to town.

Mr Bouazizi an indigent, indigenous, black Tunisian university graduate had no job in what was suppposedly an enlightened and prosperous African country. He could not find employment anywhere much as he tried, and he had body and soul and family to cater for.

His plight echoed the hapless fate of so many thousands and thosuands of young Tunisians, seduced by the promises of western education, yet frustrated and thwarted by a visionless, un-productive, corrupt power structure which dominated the country and suffocated creativity and innovation.

The power-elites of Tunisia are indeed guardians and door keepers for the elites of the vampires of the western society. They manage the plantation on behalf of the absentee landlords who own the bonds, the shares and the all other wealth generating resources.

So Mohammed Bouazizi became an itinerant vegetable and fruit vendor in other to keep body and soul together without resorting to criminality. This was despite his university degree. That is like working as a flea-market trader after graduating with an M.B.A. from an elite university.

But the powers of the vampire system entrenched in Tunisia would not let him be. The law demanded that he needed a license in order to pursue even so lowly a livelihood. He could not hawk fruits and vegetables to keep body and soul together unless he was able to pay a ridiculous sum of money to corrupt city officials as administrative fees for the license he was required to have.

All that sounds good and fine until one asks where the supposedly indigent, unemployed, penniless university graduate was supposed find this money for this license. A catch-22 situation.

So he took a chance, and began hawking his wares which he had bought on credit from kindly neighbours. He had also taken out loans from his friends and family to buy the used fruit-cart that was to serve as his place of business. He might have hoped perhaps to begin paying down his loans as well as the license fees after making some sales and saving up cash.

Alas that was not to be. The police accosted him on his first day out working. He was told that even that business outlet he was hoping on, was denied to him as he did not have a vendor’s licence. He begged for time from those officials but they laughed after him.

They then took all his wares, and took down his cart and hauled everything away. The fruits would be shared by the Police thugs, the cart would be kept until reclaimed upon the payment of a penalty as well as the license fee. Bouaziz stood there and watched his livelihood destroyed in a twinkle of an eye.

And they slapped him and beat him up when he bothered to voice his protest. Maybe because they thought, he was just another faceless black Tunisian.

And they took his cart away. What was he to do, in the land of his birth, the home of his Muurish ancestors. No food, no job, no buying or selling without the licnese of the beast, just hunger, cold and despodence. Ofcourse there was always the prison, with its violation of the human spirit waiting for those youths who dared to turn into criminality.

Then the angel of judgement who had been watching this whole incident possessed the heart of Mohammed Bouaziz. And outrage became incensed, and a fire was kindled in his heart. A fire so strong it would burn down everything….

So Mohammed went home and got a gallon of gas. And he went and stood in front of sumptious mansion of the rich, fat governor of his home region, he doused himself with petrol gas and set himself on fire.

And passerbys captured the image of this young man buring in a raging fire of mental and spiritual frustration… It was on youtube and Tweeter, Google and ten thousand blogs. And the world saw the unseen fires, daily destroying the youths of Tunisia and Africa as a whole. Mohammed incidentally did not die in the fire. After suffering third degree burns to 98% of his body, he survived another gruesome three weeks in hospital before succumbing to his wounds.

And the youths of the world were enraged. But the youths of Tunisia got caught by the blaze set by Mohammed Bouaziz. The fires lit by Mohammed began to grow.

At first the youths of his home town protested in rage and began burining cars and tyres and buildings. The police tried to stop them.

The Mohammed finally died an agonizing death after three weeks in the hospital.

During his burial in his home town of Sidi Bouzid, the youths chanted chants of war and vengenace. Ths government shook, the fire kept on burining. There were more protests.

During Bouazizi’s funeral, it was reported that marchers chanted “farewell, Mohamed, we will avenge you. We weep for you today, we will make those who caused your death weep.”


The fires began to blaze much more intense after his burial.

At first, protests overtook his home town, Sidi Bouzid, a town in the
agricultural interior that had clearly not benefited from Tunisia’s economic growth, created by tourism, foreign investment and a small
reserve of oil.

Then it spread to other cities and towns of Tunisia.

Soon they grew closer to the capital.

By this week, students were openly burning posters showing the face of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, the president and chief gate-keeper of Tunisia. A venal self-promoting little man, this politician had been in the thick of Tunisian government for more than 50 years. He had been president for 23 years achieving nothing for his country but deeper enslavement in IMF and western financial bondage.

The police had killed 23 by their own account, at least 66 by Thursday morning by that of International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, a France-based group.

The students then resorted to the use of fire bombs, and sometimes small arms. Chaos was spreading…the fire set by Mohammed kept on burning.

Then Mr Ben Ali began getting criticisms from the nervous absentee landlords in Europe watching the going ons in the plantation.

Then Mr Ben Ali blamed and fired Mr. Rafik Belhaj Kacem as interior minister – the position he himself held when he seized power for overreaction to the protests.

Mr Ben Ali also announced that all protesters who were not guilty of

crimes would be freed.

But by then students were no more afraid of the police and other security agencies. Police curfews were routinely ignored, and the shooting.

On Thursday night, outraged citizenry of Tunisia all across the demographic spectrum came out and moved to the centre of the capital demanding the resignation of the government and the presidency.

It appeared that the entire regime, was under direct threat. The power-elite made a quick concession. The chief front man Ben Ali president of the republic was to be sacrificed.. as an effort to control the fires that Mohammed Bouaziz first lit.

On January 14, President Ben Ali fled the country amid escalating violence and opposition….

The entire Africa and middle east is taken by surprise. Strong men and presidents are quietly sweating it out and considering their counter strategy. The commentators say this fire has the potential of blazing outside the borders of Tunisia as it moves like forest firestorm to burn down the oppressive power structures of Africa and middle East.

ok la..cari banyak2 lagi maklumat manalah tahu aku punyer salah.

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